B.Sc Psychology Model 1

Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour.

Learning psychology will help you to understand yourself better, improve your understanding of emotions, and acquire a number of valuable skills such as awareness of interpersonal and developmental differences.

In the three years of graduation, you will get an exposure to the basic elements of Psychology. Subjects which will be discussed are Foundations and Methods of Psychology, Cognitive psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Organizational Behavior etc. This course aims to mould a career to develop in the best chosen field according to the students interest and ability. In addition to theory paper they have practical papers which will give them a practical insight into the subject.

At graduation and post-graduation level, students will get an opportunity to do their research study in their area of interest. Research study is an in-depth study on a particular topic, and they will conduct research under the supervisors.

Post graduate holder in psychology can find jobs in the private and government sectors. They can find jobs in industries, hospitals, NGOs, schools and government organizations. Psychology graduates have job opportunities in abroad also.

Career prospects

Job opportunities are increasing now a days for a psychology graduate or post graduate one can find the placements in Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, School Psychology, Rehabilitation, Sports Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Learning Disability, Counseling Psychology and many more.


Candidates must have passed plus two or other equivalent examination approved by the MG university.

Principal's Message

Education is to know your worth. The proverbial truth tells you: ‘ Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never underestimate your power to change others’. Follow the Serenity Prayer: “ God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change/ The courage to change the things I can,/ And the wisdom to know the difference”.