B.A English Literature with Journalism (Model II)

The college offers an inclusive study of English Literature with Journalism as a vocational subject. English as a language is unique in itself and is ahead of other languages in sound and eloquence. It will be rare experience for an aspiring literary enthusiast to enjoy the beauty of English Language and Literature while sharpening his/ her journalistic acumen. On completion of the three year programme the student can choose either MA in Literature or Journalism or can straight away get in to the teaching profession or the media world


A pass in plus two or equivalent Examination approved by the university. However, students with good scoring and taste for English language and an interest in journalism will alone be admitted.

The Admission is 50% on Merit and 50% Under Management Quota.

Principal's Message

Education is to know your worth. The proverbial truth tells you: ‘ Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never underestimate your power to change others’. Follow the Serenity Prayer: “ God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change/ The courage to change the things I can,/ And the wisdom to know the difference”.