B C A (Bachelor of Computer Application)

Much sought after course which offers plenty of job opportunities. In an age of Computer and advanced technology the BCA degree is time tested. With sufficient knowledge of Mathematics and computer know –how the every BCA graduate gets a solid platform to further his career in the field of technology. It is a course that is customized for students to shine in the field of Computer and Information Technology . Moreover in a computer savvy society BCA graduates find better openings both in the government and private sectors. Or they can go for higher studies leading to MCA.


A pass in plus two or any other equivalent Examinations in science stream with mathematics / computer Science as a compulsory subject.

The Admission is 50% on Merit and 50% Under Management Quota.

Principal's Message

Education is to know your worth. The proverbial truth tells you: ‘ Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never underestimate your power to change others’. Follow the Serenity Prayer: “ God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change/ The courage to change the things I can,/ And the wisdom to know the difference”.