M.Com Finance

The M.Com course continues to be the most popular UGC recognized PG course in Commerce. It offers students an opportunity to pursue a range of specializations in Finance, Accounting, Taxation, E-Commerce, Chartered accountancy and other areas. This College provides Finance as a specialized area with which he/she can become Financial advisors, Financial analysts, Portfolio managers and Chartered Accountants. With a good scoring in Examinations and a NET certificate one can become a high profiled college Professor and can take up teaching assignments anywhere.


All the Under Graduate programmes are conducted on a choice Based Credit and semester system (CBCSS)pattern. It will have six semesters spreading over three years. Each semester consists of a minimum of 90 working days, inclusive of examinations, distributed over 18 five day academic weeks. The Odd semesters (1,111,V) will be from June to October and the Even semesters (11, 1V,V1) will be from December to March.

M.Com course is conducted under the CSS system spreading in to FOUR semesters in a span of Two years.

However, it is the policy of the Management to offer admissions to only those students who are willing to abide by the rules and regulations of the college framed from time to time.

Principal's Message

Education is to know your worth. The proverbial truth tells you: ‘ Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never underestimate your power to change others’. Follow the Serenity Prayer: “ God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change/ The courage to change the things I can,/ And the wisdom to know the difference”.