B B A (Bachelor of Business Administration)

BBA has emerged as an important option among students after +2. The Programme is designated to impart Management Education and inculcate innovative and dynamic skills among students. Virtually it is a professional degree where theoretical concepts like management information system, fundamentals of human resources and other allied areas are taught. To fit into the challenges posed by the business society, the BBA course offers necessary level of confidence, innovation and sharper edge. Abundant opportunities are opened before a BBA graduate. He/she can join M.Com course or can go for MBA. Or they can seek openings in Banking, Consultancy, Finance, IT companies and advertising agencies. It is time tested that with a BBA degree everybody can hope for a well secured professional career.


A pass in plus two or any other equivalent Exam. Aproved by the Mahatma Gandhi University.

The Admission is 50% on Merit and 50% Under Management Quota.

Principal's Message

Education is to know your worth. The proverbial truth tells you: ‘ Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never underestimate your power to change others’. Follow the Serenity Prayer: “ God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change/ The courage to change the things I can,/ And the wisdom to know the difference”.